Thursday, 11 December 2008

I'm losing my mum

Got up in a good mood today, the girls slept well and my cold seems to be clearing up. I was trying to optimistic about mum's scan yesterday, I was sure that we'd find out what was wrong and the treatment would begin to make her better.
Well, we found out what was wrong. She has lung and liver cancer, so advanced they can't do anything for her. They've given her just weeks to live. She just wants to get home, she doesn't want to die in hospital. I had to agree for them not to rescucitate her if her heart gave way, the dr told me that it would only cause her pain and wouldn't prolong her life for much longer.
Tomorrow we are seeing a specialist to find out what treatment she will have at home. Basically it will be just to make her last few weeks comfortable.
I dont' know how I'm going to get through this. This is so hard.


Unknown said...

The same thing happened to my mom. The cancer started in her bladder and them moved onto her liver. Everything happened so fast. You made the right decision for the DNR even though its the hardest one to make right now. Her treatment was just morphine to keep her comfortable, but it made her anxious at first until her body got used to it. She was in no pain at all. I commend you greatly for bringing your mother home. It takes a good person to do that. I'm in the Army and I had to work so it would be hard to be with her all the time. Hang in there and spend every moment you can with your mom. I'd give anything to spend time with her again.

Anonymous said...

Prayers for strength, for quality time, for a gentle Christmas filled with love for you and all your family.

Will pray for you daily.

Sharon xx

Unknown said...

Dear Anne, wishing you inner peace and strength. I am sending you a huge hug from across the pond.