Friday, 27 March 2009

Poorly Kids on the Mend

It's not been a good week. I took the girls to the dr on Monday who said they had bronchitis. Ahh so that's why they were coughing all night long. So sleep has been scarce and the girls have been housebound and miserable, and I've been pretty miserable too.
Today was a little better though. I managed to get some sleep last night, albiet with the little one in bed with me all night. They were much brighter today so I decided to take them to playgroup for an hour. They really loved it and came home covered in paint and soaking wet!
I'm hoping that maybe they will sleep again tonight and I can start functioning properly (as if I ever did in the first place!)
This weekend Graham has promised to sort out the toy room for me. I won't hold my breath as the promise has been standing since December, but fingers crossed. If he doesn't then I might just cart the kids off to their nan's and do it myself. There's nothing I can't manage myself, I lived without a man for 7 years so I can do most things, it's just not easy doing anything with two demanding toddlers under your feet.
Anyway, eitherway, on Monday I'm going to report that toy room is finished, painted carpeted and toys put away. Watch this space!

P.s. I've been tweeking my blog, adding this and that. I was going to change the skin but couldn't find one I liked better than this sickly salmon pink. I 'll ask the big daughter if she can do anything about it.

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