Sunday, 31 August 2008

No Winner!

Well, sorry to say but that £30 didn't last long on the Bingo. Don't know if I will buy any more credit, could be a bit addictive, although I might have been more tempted had I had even a little win. No numbers on the lottery either, guess I'm not lucky at the moment.
tho, talking about luck, I've had a niggling feeling deep inside that I have some luck coming to me. I've never been lucky in my life, and I've never felt this either...mmmm. we'll have to see what's in store.

Have been listing toys on Ebay today, bit of a sort out of the girl's stuff, if I can make some money then it'll probably go on buying them more toys!!

Already bidding on a princess Anxious Elephant for Lucy...what am I like?

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