Sunday, 8 September 2013

Well it's September Already!

We had  our break in Blackpool. It would have been better had Lucy been better. We had to give the Pleasure Beach a miss which upset Gray. We also had a couple of meltdowns off Lucy due to her not feeling good and not coping well with the journey.
The journey home was a nightmare, we couldn't get seats together and I had a migraine. At least the kids were well behaved.
So Lucy is still in her collar and has shown no improvement at all. It's been five weeks now, still early days I suppose. We were given a different collar with the promise that it would correct the position of her neck. It doesn't, she just flops out of it and is in so much pain when she puts it on. We are still doing physio five times every day.

Yesterday I was cooking dinner and Gray had taken the kids to his mum's house, two doors away. I heard Lucy scream and start crying and I was out of the house and over the gardens (yes, I didn't realise I could jump those fences either!) and happy to find out that she'd just been smashed on the back of the head with a spoon by the little monster. I know, she was hurting and all I could think of was thank goodness nothing happened to her neck. Once I'd calmed her down Gray and his mum wandered out of her house wondering why I was in the garden. So that's how they look after my children when they go around there. They hadn't heard her screams, yet I had two doors away in my kitchen with the radio and the washing machine on. Lucy was ok, that's the main thing.

We've been to see our new house and it's lovely. Cassie is in a bit of a flap about moving, she's lived her all her life. I thought Craige would be too but he's taking it in his stride. In fact he's almost finished packing up his bedroom ready to go. We move in on 16th September!
The stress is getting to me already, but I really can't wait.

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